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Juice Buzz Girls

Jessica + Jacqueline Pfeffer (Jess & Jax) Founders, JuiceBuzz MRKT + JUICERY

Originally from: Jess was born in Orlando + Jax was born in Miami, they grew up in a suburb of NJ

Favorite Delray Spot: JuiceBuzz MRKT + JUICERY, JK, but after that farmhouse, and the teahouse, Casa Mannabliss

Fun Fact: (Jess) I had an outty belly button until I was 10, then it went to inny. I was also born with a missing tooth. Although I love healthy restaurants, living a clean plant based diet my favorite food growing up was spaghetti, butter, and ketchup and favorite restaurant was Olive Garden.

Life Motto: Change your story. I believe we tend to get stuck in the story we were told from childhood, or the one we tell ourselves. I choose every day to wake up and be better than I was yesterday. I choose happiness. I choose love. And whatever I am doing I am trying to make sure those around me feel that love and happiness also.


Jess lived in Delray for 1 year 2 years ago, moved to Denver for 9 months,and has been back for a little over a year. Jax is now the co-founder of Mindul Mob, alternative & holistic center in San Diego, offering yoga, breathing and mindfulness techniques to corporate America. She continues to teach yoga at various studios and travels back and forth to help with the business.

“I moved back to Delray from Denver with my boyfriend in order for me to co-own and manage JuiceBuzz MRKT + JUICERY with my sister. I love the chill vibe here, the small town vibe. I see our customers and bump into friends all the time. I also like that I am able to walk to the beach and now I can walk to the movies.”

Jess and Jax have been serving the community with organic cold pressed juices. As of last June they have expanded into a holistic boutique market and now have a zero waste section. The community can now buy bulk items which reduces their single plastic use. Jess has volunteered in beach clean ups and some of the products they sell donate proceeds to Gumbo Limbo and Loggerhead Marine life. It is something they are passionate about - making sure everyone is aware of their plastic usage. They also have been using paper straws for the last year and sell glass straws. “Each small change in our daily life really can make the difference” says Jess.

Jax started JuiceBuzz 6 years ago (2013) and Jess jumped in to co-own it a little over a year ago (2017): “My sister started the original Juicery location, and together we opened the MRKT. After living in Denver I fell in love with a zero waste market and knew it was something we needed in Delray. My sister was a repeat customer of Nutrition Cottage which closed years ago, and ever since it closed she knew Delray was missing a store with supplements, superfoods, health conscious products and as soon as our neighbor closed her shop we knew it was perfect timing for us to bring downtown delray a one stop shop for natural products.”

Their purpose is to offer Delray and surrounding areas healthy, conscious, clean products. “Nowadays its so hard to know what products we are eating and putting on our bodies. We decided to do the legwork and find products that are natural and filled with ingredients you can pronounce.Whatever we put on our body goes in our body.” There are big name stores with similar products but the ones they choose are a bit under the radar. They like to support local companies, start ups and a lot of their friends’ companies as well.

Now with our zero waste, bulk section their vision is to be the first zero waste MRKT in downtown Delray. Their upcoming free sustainability 101 classes will be the first to teach the local community how to make those changes in order to be more eco-friendly in our day to day lives including in our homes.

As the first zero waste market in the area they are offering the community solutions to the big problem. Our daily consumption of plastic and non-recycle items is at a all time high. “Living by the ocean only makes it worse. The amount of plastics in the ocean and the micro plastics being consumed by marine animals is now in our bodies as well. The most important way to make a change is by reducing, next is reuse and recycle. All of our organic cold pressed juices come in glass for the past 6 years and although it’s more expensive for us, we know it’s worth it. We can’t compromise as we are responsible for our planet. We do not have a Planet B.”

Their greatest challenge in building the business? “opening the market and remembering I need to eat and drink water!” Building the business in the summer was a challenge as well, as our slow season, though they had an amazing turn out at their grand opening with 300 people. “Our family and friends really support us and that makes all the difference.” Starting something new similar to what LA and NYC already offer is difficult also, as well as “Letting people know that we now sell toothbrushes and deodorant”.

Their advice for young entrepreneurs is “Don’t stop trying, don’t stop believing, and always try to be better the next day. It is definitely a lot to take on as there really aren’t any days off. Being your own boss has its perks. It is a struggle to know that you are responsible in ways you have never been before, but the outcome the end result makes it worth it. Knowing that we are here to serve others is really satisfying and worth the work.”

Learning to be a yoga teacher has taught them that we are here to serve others: “I want to make sure that what I am doing for my life purpose is bringing health and wellness to others. I feel good knowing the products I am selling are going to help others. As a child eating unhealthy and living without awareness has caused some digestion and other medical issues for me and I want to use my own personal experiences to facilitate preventative ways for families to learn and be better.” -Jess

JuiceBuzz MRKT + JUICERY is moving towards being a full zero waste MRKT with organic cold pressed juices, with the vision to open more locations around the country.


Fun questions:

If you were a muppet, who would you be?Cookie Monster (easy one)

What did you want to be when you were a child? An actress

What is your spirit animal and why? my cat that passed- Sunny. He knew how to have fun, and was always up to trouble but was so cute he got away with it all.

Secret fears/phobia? sharks

Book recommendation: the art of driving in the rain, molokai, blink

Song recommendation the river( leon bridges)

If you were a character in a movie - who would you be? Which movie? Julia Roberts- conspiracy theory

Inspirational public figures you look up to. Marianne Williamson, Brene Brown, Jack Kornfield, Sean Corne

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