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Meet The Team

Limor Ben Ari


Stories Collecter 

Mompreneur, writer & Owner of Dvashh, Inc., a social media marketing firm for national brands and local establishments in

Delray Beach, and bee human - an inspirational fashion line.


Previously was the VP of marketing for TV shows on Lifetime Television, including The Suzanne Somers TV show, CEO of Bosco, an anti-bullying teen app, and CEO of the first green ad agency.  Also worked for Zimmerman Advertising and BBDO Tel Aviv. 


A contributor writer for Social Media Today 

Stephen Chrisanthus,


People Collector 

Associate Director at Delray Beach Marketing Cooperative, responsible for marketing and promoting Delray Beach globally to business and leisure travelers, but for POD he is leading the people of Delray towards each other! Connecting us all together so we can make a difference.


Previously held positions in the finance industry with JP Morgan Chase and Morgan Stanley in Manhattan, and was the owner of a beach club in the Mexican resort community of Cabo San Lucas.

Natasha Lawson,


& Supporters Collector 

10 years in the business of people through brand client relations in large ad agencies, specializing in moving people.


Managing database with email marketing access to over 100,000 local people. 


People Of Delray is a community site for the people, and about the people, who work, play and live in Delray Beach, FL.

(Inspired by Humans Of new York)


So we all get to know each other a little bit better and inspire each other, become a community. Because every person is important, every person has a story, and people love people.

 People move the world. 

POD is not a media company :)

POD is an agenda free people and stories sharing site. It is not an opinion, review or news site.  


It's people focused, using modern technology to take us back to the old days,

when everyone knows your name. 



© 2016-2019. Proudly created by 


Content and pictures provided by the people interviewed. If you deserve a photo credit, please contact us at and we will give you the credit deserved. 

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